PageSpeed and Shopify Themes
Does PageSpeed Matter on Shopify Themes? What do I do to improve it? Is it possible? Lets dive in!
Does PageSpeed Matter on Shopify Themes? What do I do to improve it? Is it possible? Lets dive in!
“I can’t get my products found in Google!” I hear it all the time, client after client. How do you create SEO friendly product pages in Shopify?Read More »Creating SEO Friendly Product Pages in Shopify
Very often I am asked to take a look at small businesses, and how their “SEO” is doing. Now that question alone is like shooting at a herd of elephants with a bb gun in and of itself. However, one of the key components that I look at, ALWAYS, is how they are using social media… or in most cases not.Read More »If you aren’t social… you are missing out!
ChannelAdvisor just published a great ebook titled “16 Things you wish you’d known when you started selling online”, and after a detailed review we couldn’t agree more!Read More »16 Things you wish you’d known before selling Online… And we couldn’t agree more!
“I don’t understand why this product isn’t showing up on Google. I have a great exact match domain, my products are wonderful, but I still can’t find my products when I search for them!” Said every shopping owner I have ever talked to. Well… the problem is most likely your content!Read More »3 tips for understanding Product SEO for eCommerce
Shopify? What is that many newbies to the ecommerce world ask me. The answer… the best thing since sliced bread! Well more accurately the easiest to use, easiest to setup, and easiest to manage ecommerce platform for their small business!Read More »Why is Shopify great for Small Business ECommerce?
comScore announced its latest search share report tracking the overall searches performed on the major search engines (Bing, Google, Yahoo, Ask, Aol). And to no surprise Google still leads with 66.7% of the share. But does this mean your search engine optimization strategy should neglect the others? We think not my dear Watson.Read More »Don’t forget the 15.4% Google, Bing, and Yahoo Search Share Reports out
Many of my clients tell me “I don’t have time to write blogs” and “My pages are more important than my blog” or “I don’t want to write blogs, just SEO my pages”. And frankly, we can do that. We can take a stale site, that doesn’t get updated, and work on title’s, on page copy, and tagging with no problem. But I promise that a Blog is one of the best tools out there to increase your ranking!Read More »Your Blog is likely the BEST SEO Tool you have!
Bing recently published a blog post about the wonderful Google Panda and Penguin updates. They obviously love making fun of these things as evident by the quick poem by Senior Product Manager Duane ForresterRead More »Bing attacks Google’s Panda and Penguin Updates
So as we have already mentioned in Google “Penguin” update shouldn’t be worrying, it should make you listen to your SEO Experts! 7 things you can do if you were if you were nailed by the Penguin (the most obvious was that it is likely that you were trying to scam some good ranking out of some “black-hat” methods, or weren’t listening to your all knowledgeable SEO expert to begin with). But we thought we would help you out even more by giving you 10 more simple things you can do to help recover from the Penguin update.Read More »Fix your Site after the Penguin Update – 10 simple things you can do!