Great Google Behind the numbers Infographic!
I just found an interesting Infographic from on Google’s 2010 profits, and some quick comparisons! Read More »Great Google Behind the numbers Infographic!
I just found an interesting Infographic from on Google’s 2010 profits, and some quick comparisons! Read More »Great Google Behind the numbers Infographic!
Recently Tech-Republic (A great news service for techies) published an article titled “Can Google survive it’s blind faith in the algorithm?” and it raised quite few points which also made me wonder what the longevity of the Google search model truly is.Read More »Questioning the longevity of the Google Model
Last Tuesday the search engine giant, Google, released an interesting innovation. They rolled out indoor maps at 18 U.S. airports, several malls; select Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, Home Depot and Ikea stores; and a bunch of airports, train stations and malls in Japan.Read More »Google makes Ikea and Airports Easy
Recently, on a business trip, I grapped the latest version of FastCompany from the newspaper shop in the Philadelphia airport. The cover had a picture of Google’s Larry Page on the front and the title read “The great tech war of 2012, Why Google will win!” It was a great ploy, but I wondered… what tech war!Read More »The 2012 Tech war continues, who will win?
Every customer asks “So why do you suggest to rebuild my site, I just want to be in the first 5 results on Google.” Well Search Engine Watch just wrote a pretty good article about 7 of the reasons why it is smart to plan you SEO as part of a redesign, or to think about it when you are creating your site the first time.Read More »7 Things to watch when building an SEO Site
As reported by Search Engine Watch Microsoft filed an application for a US Patent on October 13th 2011 which would allow a user of Bing to replicate the results that their favorite persona (say “Miley Cyrus,” “Taylor Swift,” “Megan Fox,” and “Jessica Lange”) would see.Read More »Miley Cyrus drives your Bing search results
Philadelphia is the latest area that has been opened up to Google Offers, a competitor for Groupon and Living Social. The Google Offers platform doesn’t open a new concept, but does open another search giant functionality for those of us on the east coast of Pennsylvania.Read More »Google launches Offers, competition with Groupon starts in Philly
Being in business we are always forced to justify what we do, and often how much we charge to do it. Now that becomes tricky when you aren’t selling something that can be touched, but rather consulting / knowledge / services that people generally don’t understand. So… why not 5 simple things to consider when picking a Search Engine Optimization company.Read More »5 Things to consider when picking an SEO company
Yesterday October 5th 2011, Google Inc. (GOOG)’s $700 million purchase of travel-information company ITA Software Inc. was cleared by a federal judge after the search-engine company agreed to conditions imposed by the U.S. government.Read More »Google spends $700 mil, gets travel data
Everyone I work with says “The website is good enough, it works”, “What is the difference if I end up on the first page of Google”, “Why do I really need a website, I still get business other ways”. My answer… simple, there are 5 reasons why.Read More »5 Reasons you need a website that works